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About Us

Lundy Hill co-authored The Ultimate Trading Guide with his father John R. Hill and their programmer, George Pruitt.

You could call Lundy S. Hill a lifetime veteran of the commodity futures markets. Having grown up in a prominent trading family, he was tutored by some of the best. Predominantly, John Hill; world famous trader, author and speaker. He made his first trade before he could drive a car.

Lundy graduated from Clemson University with a degree in electrical / computer engineering and a business minor. After graduation, opportunity took him to Florida. There, he was a part of every young man’s dream: working for the NASA space program. As a computer engineer for Lockheed Corporation, NASA’s largest subcontractor, Lundy worked directly on the Space Shuttle program. His division was responsible for the entire electrical power distribution system for the shuttle – a critical function and time at NASA, as this would be the rebuilding of the space program after the Challenger explosion.

After NASA, Mr. Hill started his futures career in earnest by working on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile and Chicago Board of Trade. He became an independent “local” trader in the U.S. Treasury Bond Pit. After three years on the floor, he tired of “elbowing ” his way to trading success. He moved off the floor and specialized in computer aided trading. Mr. Hill started Stafford Trading Company, a registered Commodity Trading Advisor. It sells trading systems for diversified markets, Stock indexes and money management methods. His goal is to help the average trader achieve above average profitability. He attempts to accomplish this goal through strict, well-thought out and well-tested trading systems and money management.

Lundy Hill is applying his background as a true “rocket scientist” to the ups (and downs) of the futures markets.